Barbecue Tonio Stainless Steel Trolley and...
Barbecue Tonio Stainless Steel Charcoal with Trolley and Lid.Barbecue all stainless steel with Trolley, Lid and Cooking grill for charcoal.
Plancha Tonio.
The plancha you need. The plancha is the essential tool for a simple and dietary kitchen.
A healthy alternative to barbecue, this Iberian cooking method has conquered our countries in recent years.
Plancha Tonio.
The preparation of food on a plancha allows to have tasty and balanced dishes.
Created in 2000, TSMP, Plancha-Tonio is a company based in the south-west of France, in the Aquitaine region, and located in Narrosse (40) near Dax.
TSMP's approach is to offer our customers a close relationship and a global understanding of their environment and their expectations, in order to offer them solutions adapted to their demand and needs, while remaining within budgets in accordance with their capacity.
Plancha Tonio is a SavorCook selection.
Barbecue Tonio Stainless Steel Charcoal with Trolley and Lid.Barbecue all stainless steel with Trolley, Lid and Cooking grill for charcoal.
Barbecue Tonio with Spindle Turner Built-in all stainless steel.Built-in barbecue all stainless steel with electric spindle turn and the cooking grid.
Brazier The black pyramidal Churrasco Plancha Tonio.The Brasero Plancha Tonio The black pyramidal Churrasco allows cooking over a wood fire on a steel and stainless steel ring plancha way.
Brazier The pyramidal Churrasco Corten Plancha Tonio.The Brasero Plancha Tonio The Churrasco pyramidal steel Corten allows cooking over a wood fire on a steel and stainless steel ring plancha way.
Combined Barbecue and Plancha Tonio outdoor kitchen.The Combined Plancha and Barbecue Tonio with Tournebroche allows versatile cooking on a Barbecue and a Plancha in the outdoor kitchen.
Combined Barbecue and Plancha Tonio outdoor kitchen with Tournebroche.The Combined Plancha and Barbecue Tonio with Tournebroche allows versatile cooking on a Barbecue and a Plancha in the outdoor kitchen.